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Santa Cruz Little League

Santa Cruz Little League

Residency Requirements

There are three options for where Little Leaguers can play.

1.) Kids whose primary residence is within a league's boundary can play for that league. 

2.) Kids from divided homes may choose to play in a league in whose boundaries either parent resides.

3.) Kids can play for the league where their school is located.

For more information on residency requirements please see the Little League International website.

If you live outside of the Santa Cruz Little League boundaries and your child does not attend a school within boundaries, then you can submit a request for your child to be released from their local league and play in Santa Cruz Little League. The general process is: 

1. Draft a request for transfer with player's information. (Sample request provided below.)
2. Send request to the president of SCLL at [email protected] and to the president of the local league from which you are requesting transfer.
3. Presidents will review/approve and work with regional and international Little League to process the request.
4. President of SCLL will send you the official letter from Little League International if/when the transfer is approved. Please keep a copy of the approval letter in your records for future reference.
5. Register for SCLL and when asked for proof of residency, upload a copy of your official waiver letter in lieu of the 3 proofs of residency required.  If you register before you have received the official letter, please submit a copy of your transfer request.
6. Please note that your player will not be eligible for the All Star draft the first year of the transfer only but eligible for all subsequent years.

For more information about out-of-boundary waivers please see the Little League International website. 

Sample Transfer Request

Here is sample language you can use to begin the process of obtaining an out-of-boundary waiver in order for your child to play in Santa Cruz Little League. 

To: SCLL president 
Cc:  Local league president
Subject: Request for transfer to SCLL


We request that or little league player be released from our local little league and accepted to play with Santa Cruz Little League for the duration of their little league eligibility.  

Player Name:
Player DOB:
Player School:
Years (if any) in Little League:

Include a reasoning/justification statement: e.g.
- We have played, sponsored, and volunteered on and off the field with SCLL for the past 3 years and our family is ingrained in the SCLL community.  
- While we no longer live within Santa Cruz boundaries, we work in Santa Cruz and are connected to the community through sports, kids, friends and family who live within Santa Cruz City limits.
-  We live near the boundary, work in Santa Cruz and are connected to the community through sports, kids, friends and family who live within Santa Cruz City limits.
-We hope to manage, coach and/or volunteer (name role) to support the league
- We intend to provide sponsorship or….

Please let us know if there is any more information you need to consider for our transfer request.  We appreciate your consideration.

Thank You! 

Signed with your name and phone number

Residency & Age Documents Needed for Registration

Here are details on the residency and proof of age documents that you will need to submit during the registration process.

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School Enrollment Form

If you are establishing residency based on school enrollment, then please fill out this form, have your school administrator sign it and return it to Santa Cruz Little League or upload it during the registration process.

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